Israel extended its reaction to Hamas’ violence by seizing the ”high ground” and using its “moral superiority” to further decimate the Palestinian people. The infiltration by Hamas militants into Israel has been resolved, not without Israeli deaths but with the Hamas militants eliminated. Israel learned it must be more vigilant and reinforce its border security. It has the capability to do that, will do that, and effectively subdue Hamas. The last death of a Hamas militant on Israeli soil should have arrested the violence in the present battle. Secret discussions on releasing the captured Israelis are the preferred first step for peacefully resolving a delicate and explosive situation. Soul searching and a reformulated strategy precede a desire to prove military superiority and exact impulsive revenge.
The rocket fire is serious and needs attention, but Iron Dome intercepts almost all of them and the rest seem to do minimal damage. The never-answered question is, “Why do they occur?”
In order, severe settler and Israel military attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank, provocative incursions on the Haram al-Sharif, and more theft of Palestinian lands are followed by a Hamas warning that it will respond if the provocations continue. Israel obliges, continues the provocations in spades and voilá, we have rocket barrages. By simple logic, stopping the oppression will stop the rocket barrages.
Why is Israel willing to sacrifice more soldier lives in an invasion of Gaza than predicted civilian deaths in the next decade from the rockets? Why is it willing to create enmity from more of the world’s peoples and nations, who view Israel’s tactics with horror? The answer: Israel is willing to let some of its people die and does not care about public opinion; it wants to pulverize the Palestinians.
Anyone disputing the decades of oppression of the Palestinians and their intended destruction or providing excuses for their plight is either uninformed or has an agenda to convince the world that it is otherwise. These people must have a genocide gene, and the DNA of the American public is undoubtedly contained in the heritable genocide gene. This statement is not intended to convey humor or insert a sly exaggeration to make a point. American history and American officials have displayed evidence that the psyche of the American public relishes genocide. Start with the Massachusetts Bay colony liquidation of the local Native American tribes.
"The Pilgrims bought their land from the Natives, but the Natives expected to continue to use the land's resources. The colonists built fences where no fences had ever been before, closing off their property to make the land their own. Tensions had long existed due to the two cultures’ different ways of life. Colonists' livestock trampling Native cornfields was a continuing problem. Competition for resources created friction. Regional economic changes forced many Natives to sell their land." - Nathan Philbrick, Mayflower.
The Pokanoket Indians became fearful of losing all their land, agriculture, and fishing rights. Their fear and insecurity generated fear and insecurity in the Puritans. After 40 years of a peaceful and helpful relationship, both sides contemplated a future without the other. Massasoit's son, who gave himself the name of King Philip, felt betrayed by the Puritans and started a 14-month war to drive out the English; a war for survival, which he almost won.
Fourteen months of attacks and counterattacks devastated New England. The Puritans survived and, within a century, Indians of Cape Cod had been reduced to several hundred people, most of them living on reservations in the towns of Mashpee on the Cape and in Aquinnah on Martha's Vineyard. The year 1774 found the Sakonnets had dwindled from about four hundred (survivors) to six men and nineteen women.
The Puritans’ fatal encounters with the native population set the stage for the settlement of the entire coast-to-coast territory. Insecurity and mistrust guided the relations between Americans and the indigenous populations. Superiority of U.S. military forces enabled American pioneers to move inexorably from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. Wherever the Americans arrived, they found native peoples. Wherever they settled, the native peoples, even those who cooperated, as Chief Joseph and his Nez Perce tribe, were decimated. It did not matter, neither cooperation nor revenge attacks by natives who saw their families dying of starvation and their children crippled prevented settlers from stealing native lands and wantonly killing the inhabitants. Not only Native peoples were killed; the native bison was almost extinguished.
During the same three hundred years, Americans inflicted the genocidal crime of slavery upon African people. A genocidal Civil War, in which Americans killed one another, halted the slavery crime. In almost all years, from 1789 to the end of World War II, the U.S. military engaged in a war, getting killed and maimed and killing and maiming others. World War II, the genocidal war to end all wars, witnessed U.S. terror bombings of civilians in Tokyo, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, where hundreds of thousands of Japanese were killed. Americans looked back at their ancestors, admitted their genocidal tendencies, changed Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples' Day, established Martin Luther King and Juneteenth holidays, and vowed they would be militarily strong but mindful of human rights.
The understanding approach was quickly shattered and the genocide gene reactivated with the Korean War, when U.S. warplanes demolished North Korean cities. The Wilson Center reports,
… newly discovered census figures add important information to Russian reports on the war recently published by South Korea's Ministry of National Defense. According to Chosun Ilbo (Seoul, 25 June 2001), four volumes of reports by Soviet ambassador and chief military adviser to the DPRK, Lt.-Gen. V.N.Razuvaev, compiled by the Ministry's Institute of Military History, cite a total of 1.2 million civilian casualties for North Korea, which include 282,000 killed in bombing raids and 796,000 fled to the South or missing. The remaining 800,000 population loss therefore represents the total deaths from combat and natural causes.
The counterproductive Vietnam War followed the Korean War and increased the civilian casualties to “as many as 2 million civilians on both sides. ”Iraq Body Count estimates 186,997 – 210,417 civilian deaths in the enigmatic and more useless Iraq war, a coda to the deadly sanctions that inflicted horrors on the Iraqi people.
On May 12, 1996, Madeleine Albright, then U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and a U.S. citizen strongly affected by the genocide gene, appeared on the CBS program 60 Minutes. Commentator Lesley Stahl asked the ambassador, "We have heard that half a million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. Is the price worth it?" Madeleine Albright replied, "We think the price is worth it."
Fast forward to October 2023 and we find that Ms. Albright represents the genocidal psychology that inflicts America. Reactions to Hamas’ vicious attack on the Israeli populace feature a ”kill them all” attitude.
Vivek Ramaswamy recommended a defunding of aid to Israel after 2028, and his rising position in the presidential race suddenly fell. Republican candidate, Nikki Haley, saw this as an opportunity to ingratiate herself with the Israel Lobby. Moved by the genocide gene, Ms. Halley offered, "I say this to Prime Minister Netanyahu: Finish them. Finish them. Hamas did this. You know Iran is behind it. Finish them."
We have a person seeking to lead the American people, who does not care how many Palestinians and Iranians are killed, as long as she wins the nomination.
U.S. government's major foreign policy directors prove the existence of the genocide gene. It is understood that when a nation continually, for decades and decades, perpetrates destruction on a native population, siding with the victim and preventing additional killings is the correct response. The U.S. government has done the reverse, always enabling the Israeli perpetrator and encouraging violence against the Palestinian victims.
Joe Biden during his entire care has been obsequious supporter #1 for apartheid Israel. During this latest battle, his answer to halting the violence is to assure Israel that the “U.S. always has its back,” and proves it by sending aircraft carriers to challenge anyone who attempts to halt Israel’s continued attacks on the Palestinians.
At an October 15 press conference, Secretary of State, Anthony Biden stated,
We started, as you know, in Israel. And it was important to make it very clear that the United States has Israel’s back. We will stand with it today, tomorrow, and every day, and we’re doing that in word and also in deed. I spent time with Prime Minister Netanyahu to go through the needs that Israel may have to make sure it can effectively defend itself, and we’ve already seen a lot of that assistance moving forward, and that’s a conversation that’ll continue.
Blinken also said, "You know our deep commitment to Israel's right, indeed, its obligation to defend itself and to defend its people."
Questions: Mr. Blinken, who is included in your comment, are there any people who believe in freedom and justice? Why do we have a deep commitment to Israel and not to the oppressed Palestinians and Rohingya?
Quote Secretary of Defense, Lloyd J. Austin III in his visit to Israel. “And the President also underscored that democracies like ours are stronger and more secure when we uphold the laws of war. Terrorists like Hamas deliberately target civilians. But democracies don't.”
Does the Secretary know of the previously mentioned atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, firebombing of Tokyo, and total destruction of Pyongyang? There is also the Christmas bombing of North Vietnam. From CNN:
It was one of the heaviest bombardments in history. A shock-and-awe campaign of overwhelming air power aimed at bombing into submission a determined opponent that, despite being vastly outgunned, had withstood everything the world’s most formidable war machine could throw at it.
Operation Linebacker II saw more than 200 American B-52 bombers fly 730 sorties and drop over 20,000 tons of bombs on North Vietnam over a period of 12 days in December 1972, in a brutal assault aimed at shaking the Vietnamese “to their core,” in the words of then US national security adviser Henry Kissinger.
“They’re going to be so god damned surprised,” US President Richard Nixon replied to Kissinger on December 17, the eve of the mission.
The genocide gene seeks victims and Israel provides them. There is a common thread to US actions of aggressive behavior toward nations that had not actually threatened the security of the United — Sudan, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Iran. The common thread is Israel, and, after the decline of anti-Israel leaders of these nations, Syria gasps to breathe and Iran is the last nation standing.
George W. Bush’s uncalled-for war against Saddam Hussein’s Iraq is the best example of U.S. dedication to sacrificing U.S. lives to advance Israel’s interests. The cited reason ─ destroying Hussein’s weapons of destruction, whose evidence of developments the U.S. based on spurious intelligence ─ was a farce that no sensible person could believe. This “made for consumption” and fabricated story detracted from the real reason for the U.S. invasion of Iraq — to prevent Iraq from becoming the central power in the Middle East and being able to threaten Israel.
The neocons were, in a broad sense, copying a geo strategy adhered to by the Israeli Right, which was best articulated by Likudnik Oded Yinon in a 1982 article that described Israel’s enemies as fragile and only held together by harsh dictatorial regimes, which if disturbed by war would splinter into ethnic and sectarian groupings, warring among themselves. Such internecine conflict would, ipso facto, enhance Israel’s security.
In 1996, neocons Douglas Feith, Richard Perle, and David Wurmser would be part of a small group that presented a variant of this aforementioned strategy—which was entitled “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm”—to incoming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In both this plan and the earlier one developed by Yinon, Israel would initiate the war.
The aim of the neocon/Likudnik foreign policy strategy was not only to weaken Israel’s external enemies but, by so doing, to eliminate the internal threat posed by the Palestinians, who depended upon external support in their resistance to Israeli domination.
The successfully concluded neocons’ mission was to save Israeli lives and convince George W. Bush to start the war.
Completely hidden from public knowledge is that America’s support for Israel was Obama bin Laden‘s principal argument with the United States. The al-Qaeda leader revealed his attitude in the opening sentences of a “letter to America.” This does not excuse bin Laden’s terrorist activities but shows how U.S. support for Israel’s oppression of the Palestinians (for what reason?) placed Americans in jeopardy. Bin Laden’s words are unpleasant and offensive but taking notice and reading them was a prerequisite for devising a strategy that defeats terrorism, protects Americans, and protects worldwide Jewry.
While seeking Allah's help, we form our reply based on two questions directed at the Americans:
(Q1) Why are we fighting and opposing you?
(Q2)What are we calling you to, and what do we want from you?As for the first question: Why are we fighting and opposing you? The answer is very simple:
(1) Because you attacked us and continue to attack us.
a) You attacked us in Palestine:
(i) Palestine, which has sunk under military occupation for more than 80 years. The British handed over Palestine, with your help and your support, to the Jews, who have occupied it for more than 50 years; years overflowing with oppression, tyranny, crimes, killing, expulsion, destruction and devastation. The creation and continuation of Israel is one of the greatest crimes, and you are the leaders of its criminals. And of course there is no need to explain and prove the degree of American support for Israel. The creation of Israel is a crime which must be erased. Each and every person whose hands have become polluted in the contribution towards this crime must pay its price, and pay for it heavily.
(g) You have supported the Jews in their idea that Jerusalem is their eternal capital, and agreed to move your embassy there. With your help and under your protection, the Israelis are planning to destroy the Al-Aqsa mosque. Under the protection of your weapons, Sharon entered the Al-Aqsa mosque, to pollute it as a preparation to capture and destroy it.
Terrorists recruit by intimidation and provocation. Israel helps in the recruitment by reactions to its intimidations, indoctrinations, and teachings. Ha'aretz, March 7th, 2003, quotes Shulamit Aloni, a former Member of Knesset who served in Labor government Cabinets.
Many of our children are being indoctrinated, in religious schools that the Arabs are Amalek, and the bible teaches us Amalek must be destroyed. There was already a rabbi (Israel Hess) who wrote in the newspaper of Bar Ilan University that we all must commit genocide, and that is because his research showed that the Palestinians are Amalek. Murder of a population under cover of righteousness.
The United States has been party to several genocides, involved in mass killings of civilians, supports Israel’s destruction of the Palestinians, does not care if responsible Israelis accuse their own government of intended genocide, does not care that its own citizens, including many Jews, warn of genocide, and has had excessive involvement in murderous wars. U.S. entrance into World War I has its detractors ─ historians have shown that the war had reached a stalemate and a compromised peace was being prepared. U.S. involvement prolonged the war, increased the agony, and subverted a responsible peace process.
Remember, it is not a genocide until it is all over.
Remember, Americans never realized their complicity in genocides.
Put the two together and we have Americans driven by an uncontrollable impulse to favor genocide.
Americans have a genocide gene.
Palestinians reject violence, but what else can they do to survive?
I am against my country’s revolutionaries
Wounding a sheath of wheat
Against the child
Any child
Carrying a hand grenade
I am against my sister
Feeling the muscle of a gun
Against it all
And yet
What can a prophet do to a prophetess
When their eyes
Are mad to drink
The sight of the raiders’ hordes?
I am against boys becoming
Heroes at ten
Against the tree flowering
Against branches becoming scaffolds
Against the rose-beds turning to trenches
Against it all
And yet
When fire cremates my friends
My youth
And country
How can I
Stop a poem from becoming a gun?
Rashid Hussain: Opposition
I hear you.
Another viewpoint.
When good people on both sides come together and demand a better response, peace may be possible.
Brilliant read. Thank you.