Israel’s dilemma has been how to construct a racially pure state and extinguish the Palestinian presence in the country without the world noticing the genocide. It has found the solution and the world does not take notice. The world can entertain another solution and the world does not take notice.
Want to rid the world of Hamas, rid the world of apartheid Israel. If apartheid Israel goes away assuredly Hamas will go away; after all, Israel says that Hamas’s only reason for existence is to eradicate apartheid Israel.
Want to stop the oppression and save the Palestinians from genocide, get rid of apartheid Israel; without the destroyer, there are no destroyed.
The Western world has shown it regards apartheid Israel as worth more than five million Palestinian lives, echoing former Secretary of State, Madeline Albright, who informed us "We think the price of having 500,000 Iraqi children die is worth saving the world from Saddam Hussein.”
Two clarifications:
(1) Doing away with apartheid Israel does not mean doing away with Israel; it means transforming apartheid Israel from an oppressive killing machine into a genuinely democratic government that operates with obedience to international law and respects human rights.
(2) Israel oppressed and killed Palestinians long before Hamas came into existence. Israel has been killing and oppressing Palestinians throughout the existence of Hamas. Noting Israel's continuous oppressive tactics in the West Bank, Israel will oppress and kill Palestinians regardless of Hamas. Prime Minister Netanyahu said the Palestinians will suffer for generations. Capture that remark ─ making innocent generations responsible for incidents that occurred long before they were born. Is that a remark from a responsible leader or a statement from a genocidal maniac?
Demolishing Hamas is an excuse for Israel's excessive bombings of innocent civilians. Driving the Palestinians into psychological defeat with traumas that cause the children to lose a sense of security and a will to live ─ equivalent to the smallpox blankets that hastened the destruction of the Native Americans ─ is the significant reason for the carnage. The other reasons are to conveniently change the dialogue from oppression of the Palestinians to defense of Israel and to reboot the conflict so that it starts from now. The 75 last years and its tears no longer have any role in analyzing the conflict; that conflict ended and a new conflict started when Hamas attacked Israeli civilians.
THESE ARE THE REASONS for the Israeli attacks on innocent civilians and these reasons are leading to one of the most diabolical genocides conceived by mortals — break their bones and break their will to live. Hamas is a problem but annihilating Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya (Islamic Resistance Movement) cannot be used as an excuse for the devastation visited upon the innocent Palestinians.
Watching discussion programs where “talking heads” offer solutions to the mayhem with unique suggestions such as, “The two peoples should learn to get along with each other,” and “Israel has a right to defend itself but should be careful and not cause too many civilian casualties,” generated this burst of angst.
It was reinforced by the conventional U.S. media reports that continued to highlight the previous killings of Israeli civilians and the captive Israelis and broadcast prepared references to Jewish victimhood and the 80-year-old World War II Holocaust, programs ready to be aired when Israel needs some prepping, just as obituaries are ready to be printed when a known personality dies. It reached a crescendo upon constantly hearing this was the worst loss of Jewish life since the Holocaust, words passed on from person to person, each repeating the same script.
Using the murders of our relatives to adjust minds to accept the killings of others is a monstrosity — how low can these Zionists get?
How low was shown by watching David Rubenstein’s program, History, resurrect a December 14, 2021 show that aired Jia Lynn Yang, a deputy national editor at The New York Times, discussing the American immigration system, and observing how Rubenstein steered Ms. Yang to intimate that the 1924 Immigration laws were written expressly against Jews, which kept them locked up in Europe to await their Nazi executioners. This expedition to the Neverland made me want to kick the first dog I saw.
Rubenstein went on to solicit the spurious story of people pleading with a recalcitrant President Roosevelt to help German Jews, which then led to mentioning the ill-fated St. Louis cruise ship that had 900 Jews on board who tried to enter Cuba and were not allowed. Also refused docking by U.S. authorities, the St. Louis returned to Europe. Contrary to Rubenstein’s low-voiced mention of 700 passengers sent to concentration camps and eventually killed, the ship docked in Antwerp, all passengers departed for other nations, and almost all of them survived the war. Would like to know how an editor at renowned PBS permitted this discrepancy to be spoken and why, after two years, it has not been corrected. PBS is regarded as one of the more accurate media. Rubenstein did not care about the unfortunate Jewish refugees; he only wanted to use them to stress Jewish, meaning Zionist, victimhood.
To relieve my emotional distress, I’ll mention two more corrupt media episodes out of the hundreds I witnessed during the last week.
NBC showed an Israeli birthday Party for a missing 9-year-old Israeli boy, a captive of Hamas. Plenty of abducted and missing children in America. Never saw a birthday party for any of them. I gather NBC camera operators always wander through Israel and film birthday parties for American audiences. Maybe they should wander through Gaza and film posthumous birthday parties for missing Gazan children who will never return and never have another birthday party. By October 23, more than 2,000 Palestinian children are confirmed killed during the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip and 800 are missing. How many are traumatized for the rest of their lives?
In another episode, PBS interviewed students involved in the campus demonstrations, A pro-Israeli student talked of Hamas rapes, undressing women, and parading captives through the streets of Gaza. I’m sure PBS interviewed several students. Because none of the mentioned incidents have been proven to have occurred, why couldn’t PBS present a credible commentator?
The interview with the pro-Palestinian student was less shocking; she wanted to obtain a truce and end the violence on both sides. Why didn’t PBS interview a student alarmed at Israel’s deliberate escalation of the violence?
Israel’s efforts to make Hamas’ violent incursion into Israel the momentous event of the last 75 years and reboot the crisis so it starts on October 7 are succeeding. Israel has determined it has the solution to cleanse Gaza and the West Bank of all Palestinians and, at the same time, cripple Hezbollah and Iran so they can never be a threat, pernicious activities that receive no consideration from the “talking heads”.
Arrival at this “moment of truth” occurred because the Zionist adventure has not been capably treated; too few of the world’s leaders have placed the key elements of the story together and, even when explained, don’t seem to have absorbed their significance.
The 1947 UN Resolution 181 used arm-twisting bribes and economic threats to obtain votes and, with these illegal acts, was barely passed. Is that mafia-type of performance acceptable? Without authority to enforce its provisions, the Resolution became a suggestion by a world body. Why would the Palestinians agree to surrender part of their land to foreigners who had just been washed ashore and why would they follow orders from Europeans who lived on the other side of the Mediterranean?
When UN Resolution 181 partitioned Palestine on 29 November 1947, the population statistics, described in the Table below and referenced to 1945, showed about 500,000 Jews and 1.1 million Arabs in the partitioned area. The Arab population was indigenous to the area with almost its entire population born to parents who had resided in the Levant. The Arab population also owned and occupied a major part of the territory with one area, the Negev, mainly inhabited by Bedouin tribes.
Data from the Report of UNSCOP: 3 September 1947: CHAPTER 4: A COMMENTARY ON PARTITION
Because neither state had official names at that time, Arab and Jewish states were used to map out contours of land where major portions of the ethnicities would live. The Jewish state, which hastily became Israel just before President Truman recognized the state, failed at that moment of origin. Although the state was bi-national, a small Zionist group took control of all apparatus of the new state and did that without consulting any Palestinian leadership.
A census will have shown about 500,000 people described as Jews in the new state (another 100,000 in Jerusalem), but only a small portion of that group lived in the area for a long period of time, and only a minor portion had much investment in its past, present, or future. Except for 40,000 earlier 20th-century Zionists, practically all of them had arrived within the previous 30 years and not necessarily to stay — some to work in the British Mandate, many fleeing Nazi Germany, many from refugee camps after World War II, and some adventurers. Relatively few Jews were native to the region and almost all were from foreign nations. The UN did not create two states; it divided one Palestinian state into two states -─ a Palestinian state composed of almost 100 percent Palestinians, and another mostly Palestinian state composed of about 70 percent who were native to the area (400,000 Palestinians), a small contingent of foreign Jews that had come as Zionists to live permanently in Palestine (200,000), and another larger contingent of foreign Jews (300,000) that arrived for expediency and not with original intentions of remaining in the British Mandate. The Mandate was only a way station for Jews caught in the horrendous tragedies during the 1930s and World War II. If neither cataclysm occurred, would these Jews have gone to the Mandate? Without them, how many Jews would have been there in 1947?
These refugees deserved protection, but should those who had been in the area for only two to twenty years, have counted equally in a population census with Palestinians who had centuries of generations in the same area? Did these foreign Jews have a right to expel those who had provided them a measure of succulence? Didn't they have a moral obligation to protect those whom they had upset by their presence? Maybe the measures of refuge came unwillingly, but they were there and the refugee Jews survived. The normal response is to say, "Thank you, I will now leave and not bother you anymore," and not repeat a crime by forcing exile on them, and, after doing that, grinding the true owners of the land into non-existence.
David Ben-Gurion and a small clique of opportunists took advantage of an ill-advised UN, an ill-led and ill-equipped Palestinian community, and a confused world to declare their state. With seasoned militia forces — Haganah, Irgun, Lehi, and Palmach — the Zionists cleansed the area of Palestinians and established Israel. Just one example of brutality that I have substantiated ─ Irgun troops after entering a Palestinian village were told to seize 10 Palestinians and shoot them; a plan intended to frighten other Palestinian villagers to flee.
Assuredly, if there had been no ethnic cleansing and the UN-planned bi-national state had come into existence, many Jews would have left. Within a decade, the Palestinians would have had an overwhelming majority, and, when they looked across the border, would have exclaimed, "Why are we in two states, let’s make one state."
During World War II, a few eyewitnesses relayed their findings to British authorities of an impending genocide of European Jews. During the 1940s, communication and transportation were not nearly as advanced as today — no spies in the skies and no surveillance drones. Closed borders and battlefields prevented people from moving around and surveying conditions. Unable to validate the information from only a few persons, occupied with their own problems, and not finding means to rescue those trapped in the catastrophe, the Holocaust ran its course. One phrase guided the activities of the World War II people ─ kill the other before they kill you. Saving anyone else was not on people’s minds.
In 2023, when billions, even those living in a remote part of Tasmania, daily witness the destruction of the Palestinian people and its genocidal conclusion, the world’s leaders, all of whom are fully aware of the impending genocide, and those who criticized the helpless World War II leaders for not stopping an unstoppable genocide, are readily permitting and abetting the ultimate genocide of the Palestinian people. A PBS program, The U.S. and the Holocaust, accused the United States, who rescued European civilization, of not doing enough to save European Jews. The program could not resurrect the dead and seemed to serve no purpose. Now, it has a purpose. PBS, where is your follow-up program on the United States abetting the genocide of the Palestinians and urging the U.S. to save Palestinian lives? What and who has caused this incomprehensible condition?
Israel’s dilemma has been how to construct a racially pure state and extinguish the Palestinian presence in the country without the world noticing the genocide. It has found the solution and the world takes no notice.
Israel is build upon the Blood of other Nations.
Israel exists only for these Reasons
1) As a central Hub to spy on other Nations for the Jewish Global World Domination
(IMF WEF WHO EU...Unit8200)
2) Because the Rothschilds.
3) To create WW3
“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion… We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”
Albert Pike - Grand Masonic Moron
Please, restrain yourself, no dog kicking. Continue to kick the Israelis and Zionists. : )