Trying to process Israel's war crimes ends up overriding my mouth. I can't seem to stop saying: Fuck all jackbooted Jews! and Death to Zionists!

This war will poison us all.

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Tori, I understand your grievance but I prefer to not place Jews in an extremist category and not wish death on anyone. The U.S. government and its military have caused much damage to others but we can't wish the same on Americans. Incensed with the events, as you, I believe the article may have been written in a manner that leads to it being a little misunderstood and I have softened it. Israel is a menace to the world and to the Jews.

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In my defense I plead being guilty of decades of research about the history that is the foundation of what we are witnessing today. Beginning with the errant beliefs by mankind that such a thing as a supreme being exists and he/she chose a certain people from all others, the others hence being goys, I must call that belief bullshit. I am an atheist and of the belief that we are all a cancer on this planet.. And the most menacing cancer on this planet are those who connive to subjugate the rest of us.

Having said that, I appreciate your response and in the interest of being better understood will be mindful of your concern.

Carpe cojones,


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I respect your reply.

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Dear mr Lieberman, thank you again for all the insightful information. I am from South Africa. Only difference was we were not bombed but we were also disposessed from our homes, abused subhumans in the peoples eyes. Persecuted and had to have a pass to enter white neighbourhoods to work menial jobs. I was a child at the time. The world and resistance from us we got our freedom but it took many many decades of suffering. Today we are one country and we all get along very well but there is still a divide in class. Lots of poverty and corruption but it is still much better because we have freedom. I hope that one day the Israeli and Palestinian people will have the same outcome if the world can stand up against it like in our case.

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Augusta, Good thoughts and the personal gives it much credibiity. Hope you can resolve the difficulties confronting South Africa.

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The actions of the Israeli and the US leadership must be held accountable by the Jews and fellow Americans. They are responsible for increasing Anti-Semitism. It’s time for Jews to speak up. The Holocaust of 6 million Jews will continue to haunt us. Now we are letting these two not rest until 6 million Palestinians are wiped out. Shame on us, both Israeli and American leaders lie to us, shame on us to beleive them. Their propaganda machines need to be stopped and we the people need to seek the truth.

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Thankfully, Jewish groups in the USA are leading the action to prevent the genocide. Unfortunatelly, they represent a small part of American Jewry. As more voices, like yours, are heard, more voices will join the chorus. We need to speak the truth and we need the truth spoken to us.

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