
I found reporting in South Africa and Great Britain media but no United States media.

U.S. media actually covers South Africa news, except this one. I receive the Bridge Initiative from Georgetown University, and the many, and almost daily, severe attacks on Muslims in the U.S. and around the world are never reported in U.S. media.

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Oh sorry, I understand. Some media sources here also are very pro-zionist but at least the others do report on such attacks. It is a shame that US media do that.

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Good morning mr. Lieberman, this writing of yours was so good. Never have I read anyone that has laid out the Israelis in Israel's situation so thoughtfully and in depth. I actually feel sorry for them that they are so manipulated and propagandized. The Zionists is robbing those Jewish people of a normal live with lies lies lies. I am also astonished at the biblical history that you exposed. I wish that those people can read this.

Here a South African man has attacked a mother, father and their daughter with a knife. The mother died on the scene and the father and daughter were in serious condition. All because they supported Palestine. (I am not sure if they were Muslim because a large part of our coloured community in Cape town is Muslim)

The attacker is a white man which supposedly is what he said an "ex-zionist". It is so shocking and sad that the Zionist ideology is even here. But it should not be surprising as some people from here went to Israel to fight for the IDF.

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Thanks for the information. I can't locate this story in any US media. Always a report in the American media when a Jewish person is attacked anywhere in the world.

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