There is a lot missing from this article. How the NED and CIA were involved; how the student "leaders were quickly spirited out of China; how the unruly elements managed to get a hold of weapons and molotov cocktails. Also given the large number of recantations of original statements about the "massacre," the application of Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus might well be applied. Given the myriad color change government overthrows orchestrated by the US, one might also apply the dictum Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. Why then would anyone give credence to narratives coming from the US?

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Thanks for the additional info. Didn't want to overdo it, and did not mention that PLA soldiers, who had entered unarmed two days previously in an attempt to convince the students to leave were brutally attacked and, I believe, two were killed.

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The Tiananmen demonstrations were the biggest media event of the decade and every foreign newspaper, radio and TV station on earth had reporters there, day and night.

None of them saw or heard violence in the square. Because there was none.

There was, however, a riot in Chang’an Road, where thugs murdered a dozen unarmed cops and soldiers.

Later, on July 19, Beijing Party Secretary Li Ximing, delivered the results of the enquiry, “More than 7,000 were wounded or injured and two hundred forty-one killed, including thirty-six students, ten soldiers and thirteen People's Armed Police during a riot in Chang’An Road.”

The leader of that riot, Wang Yam, was exfiltrated by MI6 through Hong Kong, given British citizenship, and settled in London.

In 2006, for the first time in modern British history Wang was tried for murder in camera; the Crown Prosecutor banned all media coverage and even speculation about the case.

Wang was found guilty of bludgeoning an elderly man to death in order to rob him. MI6, Britain’s intelligence agency, later admitted he was their agent.

And that's the real story of Tiananmen.

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Of course, China's determination of casualties is ridiculed as coming from a biased source, but nobody provides evidence to the contrary or credible figures. I note several observers mention going to hospital morgues and counting bodies lying on the floor. I blew up one image and there were no bodies, just piles of white material on a floor.


I ask myself, "Who lets people wander into morgues and take pictures and who scatters bodies on a floor?

Another image is captioned: Tanks and a dead body on Tiananmen Square at dawn of June 4th.


Blew up that one and could not locate any dead body.

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