Your recounting was painful reading. As you point out Baruch Goldstein did not act alone. He had a good deal of help and the aftermath of his massacre was that little changed for the better while dispossession and abuses of Palestinians increased. There seems to be something diabolical that has entered the body politic of Israel and erased or submerged all sense of morality....It seems incomprehensible that a people once held in high regard have descended into such a state. As Aristotle once noted: humans are the worst of all animals when they descend into the brutality of war...
Your recounting was painful reading. As you point out Baruch Goldstein did not act alone. He had a good deal of help and the aftermath of his massacre was that little changed for the better while dispossession and abuses of Palestinians increased. There seems to be something diabolical that has entered the body politic of Israel and erased or submerged all sense of morality....It seems incomprehensible that a people once held in high regard have descended into such a state. As Aristotle once noted: humans are the worst of all animals when they descend into the brutality of war...