It is late here but we have elections tomorrow thus it is a public holiday and I can sleep late. Around 35 - 36 ( I am not even sure) parties and independants on the ballot paper. And while reading your article, it is a bittersweet moment that here we are a free and democratic country and after all these decades there is still people that live under brutal suppression and a genocide. The horrors that we are seeing everyday is too much to bear. But the resistance like you and many other writers are fighting the brave battle to tell the truth. Thank you mr Lieberman for your part in this 🙏

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"The horrors that we are seeing everyday is too much to bear" for sympathetic and sensible people. Evidently, too few of those in the world. The Gazans driven from their homes today are the children and grandchildren of innocent Palestinians driven from their lands and homes in 1949-1950 and dumped in Gaza without food, water, and shelter. There was no Hamas or any resistance fighters in that area to blame at that time. The genocide goes back generations.

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